Saturday, January 19, 2008

Republican Primary

Tonight I am watching the campaign speeches from the Republican canidates. I have concluded that John McCain is the only Republican I will vote for, I said it 8 years ago and I say it again, I feel that McCain is not just out to get money, nor to satisfy his supporters. McCain, I feel, truly loves America. Not to say that the other canidates do not. I feel McCain loves everything America represents. What do I mean by that? He is proud of who he is, what he thinks, in short he is proud of himself, is that conceited or wrong? No. America is about being who one really is. McCain says that he is a Republican, I really don't see that all the time. He doesn't always vote along party lines. Thats good. Did you know that George Washington hated the idea of a multi-party system? Yeah thats right, he hated them because you get people who vote not on what they feel, who say not what they think, they instead say what the party says.

This is going to be a short post, I don't have much to say. Just my views on the political scene right now. Between Democrats I must say, I doubt Hillary can win a general election. She is too intimidating to some people. Sadly she may get the nomination purely because she is a woman. As for Obama, if he beats Clinton he will take the Presidency. Anyone who can take on the Clinton machine and win should be able to beat anyone the Republicans can muster. McCain is the strongest canidate and could potentially take on Clinton but I do not feel that hes stands a chance against Obama. 

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