Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Machines for the Living

Oh no this isn't going to be about any new health care, I feel that we already take care of others far too much in this society. Darwinism needs to come back, maybe that would silence some of those creationists. Anyway, no this is about how I feel that society has lost its ability to govern itself. The fact is that most people are not educated enough to think for themselves, this is not their fault, the purpose of the American educational system is not to make someone think for themselves, in fact it is quite the opposite. American education was designed to create factory workers out of us, factory workers and consumers. We are not raised to think independently of the advertising firms and the television stations that feed us propaganda. I tend to read a lot of sites relating to freedoms and liberties, quite frankly they are all mindless drivel, society does not want freedom, they want comfort, they want people to tell them what to do, where to be, how to do everything. So here is how I'm gonna take care of that, or at least here is my idea. We write a program that learns and evolves over time, basing its logic on past experience. The feedback could be retrieved from the people in real time and the machine could process the inputs. Now clearly only a certain percentage of the population should have the ability to influence this machine, and these people must be unaware. So we implant chips in all children born, the catch is 90% of them will be nothing more than placebos. Of course the people are unaware so they FEEL like they are doing some good. This does two things, it allows that number to slowly be phased out over time and remove all power from the people and rest if solely in the hands, metaphorical of course, of this machine god we have created. And of course, it allows us to monitor various factors about the population in real time without their knowledge.

Sound awfully Orwellian to you? It isn't, Orwellian society, like all societies, is vulnerable to human greed. Machines don't feel pleasure or pain and therefore their surroundings are not taken into their decisions. So long as their decisions do not harm themselves they will always make the proper decisions based on inputs from the populace. Also in Orwell's 1984 the people KNEW they were being monitored all the time so there was a need for police, what about instead of police each chip contains a small dose of poison which would be injected into the blood stream under various circumstances.

Now, this seems radical doesn't it? Crazy even. I assure you it is not nearly as crazy as what is happening right now. How many have heard of Real ID? How about RFID? Does RFID scare anyone but me? Human beings being branded with a label that can be read by anything scares me a lot. So fine, its not exactly a chip that can kill you but it's just a step away. They can track you 24/7, with the prevalence of cameras they can watch you. And with the invisibility of certain portions of the government they can kill you when they want and how they want. Do you honestly think that the upper 1% that runs our government really cares what you think? Nope they don't, not one bit. And you know what, they don't care if we know because we can't do a thing to them, they have all the power. So it all comes down to, which do you trust, dishonest, slimy politicians who serve their own agenda, or logical computers who serve THEIR own agenda as proscribed by the people? Me? I choose the machine god, I trust them a lot more than I trust humans. Humans are flawed beings, incapable of logical decision making. They have no perspective. Machines do.

So there, I say we build a machine god. I say we kiss what few freedoms goodbye so that we can lose them to a machine that is actually working for the good as opposed to losing them to the politicians who are working for their bottom lines.

Take this post how you will, satire against the current regime, or as serious, truly it does not matter to me, either way I get my point across. Stuff needs to change in this world or we are all well and truly screwed.

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